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Official Reviews of You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It (Book 2)

[Following is an official Reader Views review of "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It" by Ray Catania.]

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (Mar 2023) 5 out of 5 Stars.

“You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It: Empower, Elevate, and Enlighten Your Consciousness,” is the second book in Ray Catania’s Awakening Series. It follows, “The Atheist and the Afterlife – an Autobiography.” Continuing his studies, the author is also now a metaphysical teacher and coach. In “You are Still Alive, Now Act Like It,” Catania continues to share his personal experiences while discussing his thoughts on metaphysical and scientific principles. He seamlessly blends the concepts together and presents them in a way that readers will be able to understand. As with his first book, his life experiences are fascinating!

Catania is an interesting character whose spirit resonates with me. Strong language, an imperfect past, and the willingness to defend his home from non-spiritual living entities (i.e. bad guys), might seem scary or offensive to some individuals, but for me, I find him totally relatable and refreshing. He keeps it real, and I am happy to recommend his books to my friends who are on the fence about what they sometimes call this “woo woo” stuff. If anyone can help them understand, it is he!

While I felt motivated to read this book in one sitting, I did not allow myself to do that, because I wanted more time to journal and process what I was learning. I looked forward to reading before I slept, so that I notice the deeper meanings that were coming in from my dreams. It is amazing how generous the universe is in sending us what we need when we open up and are receptive to learning.

“The Atheist and the Afterlife,” had a huge impact on my life. It helped snap me out of the spiritual desert where I felt I was stuck. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to read “You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It: Empower, Elevate, and Enlighten Your Consciousness,”.

Once again, the timing was perfect for me. In addition to gaining insight into the spiritual concepts, I also feel motivated in continuing to do more exploration so that I can make a deeper connection with the universal consciousness while I am still in this physical form. Now is the best time to do the work!  

Reprinted with permission. Reader Views ©2023 All rights reserved.

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[Following is an official “Online Book Club” review of "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It" by Ray Catania.]

Reviewed by Precious Anavheoba for The Online Book Club Org (Mar 2023) 4 out of 5 Stars.

Are you sure you understand what life is all about? Do you understand how our existence is programmed into the scheme of things? Do you want to live a better life, reaching your full potential not just in your career but as a whole person (being)? If your answer is yes, then You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It: Empower, Elevate, And Enlighten Your Consciousness is a book you should read.

This is a practical and yet philosophical book enriched with real-life experiences and wit. Ray Catania, who was formerly an atheist, continues to tell his story after becoming a more spiritually awakened person. The book is the second in its series. The first book is titled The Atheist And The Afterlife: An Autobiography and it contains the details of the author's transitioning to an enlightened person.

He is able to infuse his experience into the reality of human existence and succeeds at giving practical explanations for concepts such as meditation and the law of attraction.

I respect the author's principle of not writing about what he hasn't experienced. It is quite reasonable.

A few of the chapters really stood out to me, but I must mention Chapter 18: Retrain Your Brain. If the average reader only reads this section of the book without reading anything else, they will still be pushed to reflect on their own lives. Catania makes it sound so doable, and he makes an effort to simplify complicated phenomena throughout the entire book.

Although I found several errors in the book, they did not hinder my reading experience in any way. I can still say that the book was edited by a professional. There are just 23 chapters, and they are all of decent length.

Since the author uses humor effectively in his writing, it is easy to see why the book is neither overly philosophical nor difficult to comprehend. I like his candor and the fact that he does not pretend to know it all. He therefore often acknowledges that he is still learning some things.

Overall, the book is a good read, but I was not quite convinced about Chapter 10, where the author talks about the origin of the universe. I could not relate to it in the same way that I did to many of the other chapters where he discusses ideas like positivity, having a lovely synchronised relationship with one's spouse, quantum physics, and higher consciousness.

I recommend reading this book with an open mind, and for some religious folks who may at some point find it offensive, I tell them to take what is useful to them from the wealth of ideas it covers.

I rate this book four out of five stars because, despite the profanity and philosophical nature of the book, I completely understood the author's message (it did not amount to confusion). I am unable to give it a perfect rating only because of the number of errors I found.

This book is good for people suffering from depression and those trying to break free from bad behaviours or habits. It is also for anyone who wants to achieve more than mediocre results in their life. Furthermore, read this book if you are about to make a significant decision in your life or if you are stuck doing one mind-numbing job.

Reprinted with permission. Online Book Club ©2023 All rights reserved.

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[Following is an official Readers’ Favorite review of "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It" by Ray Catania.]

Reviewed by: Foluso Falaye for Readers’ Favorite (Mar 2023) 5 out of 5 Stars.

After publishing The Atheist and The Afterlife, Ray Catania presents its sequel, You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It. The book is aimed at empowering readers to achieve everything they want and more. It is a compilation of lessons from his mentors and his personal experiences—which ​are constantly transforming and expanding into the metaphysical world.

Ray shares that learning and mastering the universal laws that have existed and ​will exist endlessly is how you access your full potential and succeed ​effortlessly.

In the book, you will learn about Ray's theory of the creation of the universe, higher levels of consciousness, how to manifest through meditation, moving from self-destruction to reconstruction, and many more spiritual and philosophical topics. Prepare to discover how connected you are to the creator and all that constitutes the universe as you unlock your full potential.

You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It contains some of the most engaging stories I've read in spiritual nonfiction. As these engaging stories are consistent throughout the book and are complemented by intelligent and profound deductions, the book is deeply engaging from start to finish. Ray does not sugarcoat his words nor shy away from telling uncomfortable stories. Consequently, I felt confident about the sincerity and transparency of his messages.

Additionally, the book's instructive, explanatory, spellbinding language makes learning its principles and insights an effortless task. I can't wait to chant and experience vibrations running ​through my "body and mind and out into the universe".

Spirituality enthusiasts, readers who have always believed there's more to life than the physical, and others who are always open to learning more about our magical, vast universe are in for a life-changing experience with this book.

Reprinted with permission. Readers' Favorite ©2023 All rights reserved.

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[Following is an official Readers’ Favorite review of "You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It" by Ray Catania.]

Reviewed by: Helen Huini for Readers’ Favorite (Mar 2023) 5 out of 5 Stars.

The uncertainties of life often make us doubt how far we can go. However, most of the limitations we think exist are creations of our minds. In You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It, Ray Catania proves how one can only go as far as they restrict themselves.

Catania argues that one’s perceptions lead them to accomplish something, and their perceptions will equally determine the degree of such accomplishments. He illustrates this assertion by drawing from Michael Jordan’s inspiration, who stated that his different perceptions of the basket enabled him to make the three-point shots that most NBA players had been unable to make.

Additionally, one often needs to make sacrifices and make the right choices before any transformations are realized. These choices exist in the various types of our minds and form the basis of our lives.

You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It by Ray Catania is a clarion call to reluctant readers to leave their comfort zones.

The author uses various pedagogical strategies to make his arguments, ranging from allegories to referencing other books and authors. This not only added credibility to what he said but also showed that other well-known people had similar ideas.

Catania also talks about times in his life when he had to make hard choices despite not knowing what would happen next. He clarified that, at a point of confusion and reluctance, one should make such decisions for themselves and their future life as the past is gone.

This is both an educational and inspiring text that adult readers across various spheres of life will benefit from, as it challenges even what their religious beliefs may tend to overlook.

Reprinted with permission. Readers' Favorite ©2023 All rights reserved.

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DISCLAIMER: The advice, suggestions, and teachings offered by Ray Catania, Limitless Publications, Limitless Coaching, and Limitless University, as well as their employees, independent contractors, partners, or subsidiaries, should never be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or the guidance of a licensed clinical psychologist. By utilizing this website and its content in any manner, you explicitly agree to hold harmless all the aforementioned individuals and entities. All content is intended for a mature audience only and may not be suitable for all viewers. While our content aims to guide and inspire, your results may vary. Limitless is completely nonsectarian and nondenominational in its theories and practices.

Limitless Publications LLC © 2020-2025 | RayCatania.Com © 2020-2025 | Limitless Life Coaching © 2020-2025
The Atheist and The Afterlife - An Autobiography © 2020 | You're Still Alive Now Act Like It © 2022

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